Transfering methods

Trading methods

Our system of delivery is safe and reliable. We do not do the 'all in' or 'stand up scheme because this will only cause our account to be banned and gets into trouble. We can either,

  •  Be invited to a private or,

  •  Give us your user name and p/w and we'll do the transfer. Change your p/w thereafter. The transfer will only takes 10-20 minutes

  • We provide you an account with amount of chips you buy and do your own transfer

**Please place your right email ,phone number or MSN when you order. So that we could contact with you easily.

We do not sell gambling chips nor do we encourage it. The electronic chips are only for entertainment value - it should not be handled otherwise. These free chips do not have any face value nor can these be exchanged for cash. It can be use on on My facebook, Twitter, Tagged and Myspace..

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